The Internet of Things Ecosystem


The Internet of Things Ecosystem  framework was introduced this past week and was well received for providing a holistic view of the different segments that make up the IoT. This post provides a snapshot of the companies, organizations, technologies and trends within the IoT Ecosystem, and the full list of articles within the segment. Ideally, over time, key players and technologies will start to emerge through the ongoing analysis of the Internet of Things Ecosystem framework.

IoT in the News (3/31-4/4)

Medical engineers said Sunday they had created a device the size of a plaster which can monitor patients by tracking their muscle activity before administering their medication.Scientists Have Created An Incredible Patient-Monitoring Device That Is The Size Of A Band-Aid

Methods for monitoring so-called “movement disorders” such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease have traditionally included video recordings or wearable devices, but these tend to be bulky and inflexible.

The new gadget, which is…

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